Why Do We Dream?

Asking for the roots of dreaming seems like asking „why do we eat“ or „why do we need friends“ – we’re meant to live this way. In my opinion, the real question is: Is a dream significant, is it meaning something?

I would say, in this case the radical constructivist approach makes sense: you create its meaning by believing in it. If you believe, dreaming is nonsense, then you will rarely remember „special dreams“. If you think, dreaming is processing reality on another (subconscious) level, then you actively allow this processing to happen. And if you think, dreams are forecasting reality in some way, you will look back and actually find similarities.

Maybe the difference between dreams and day dreams is not as big as we may think. Both refer to our innermost values and attitudes, so deep inside we often don’t even realize them. And both can cause humans to break out of their tracks, beginning to write a new history.

If you really want my personal opinion on that: dreaming is like living in another world, with different laws of gravity. And sometimes it’s scary to see how much and how little at the same time is depending on my personal will in this world. Sometimes I feel like a supreme king, sometimes like a chased cat. But most of the time, I feel like a child receiving a present and playing with it freely. It’s like eating: without it, I would gradually starve.

So do dreams have meaning? They can. Are they reflections of day experiences? Sometimes. And sometimes, even God can speak through them, bringing new ideas and behaviours.

Farewell, dreamer!

Days like colours

(Übersetzung ins Deutsche ist hier)

One day, as I woke up, the day was less grey than usual. I took my breakfast, watched my clock to see if there are some minutes left to read something, and then rushed to catch my train. Once inside, this little colour peeked back into my mind …

Some days are green. And I’m not talking about weather here, it may more depend on my inner attitude to it. Those days are calm, peaceful, and in a weird, silent way: happy. Like fresh grass. Wide forest to be explored. Cows, squirrels, birds, they fascinate me, as if they were saying: I’m fine, how are you? Weiterlesen

Lost & Wanted: simplicity.

(Deutsche Entsprechung)

Sometimes I miss simplicity. I mean, I don’t really know whether I want it back or not, naivety is certainly not my goal. But … it’s just that the world god incredibly complex. I gave up understanding it. Maybe that’s what I want back: the curiosity of wanting to know more, understanding everything around me, and penetrating every mystery that I encounter. Inspite of my idealism, I settled a bit. „I don’t have to understand everything, just get along with it“, could it be that it got my motto? Nobody said that everything will be perfect, but we should try, shouldn’t we? Weiterlesen

New rule: No electrical power for anybody. For one day.

(auf Deutsch)

In some countries, there are emergency exercises regularly. What if ? How would society, and each individual in it, react? So here we go:

No electrical power for anybody. For one day. Well, hospitals and the like may get an exception.

And I would be kind, I would announce the power shortage a month beforehand, so that everybody can get prepared. Getting a generator is cheating! But just imagine: no internet, no banks, no flights, no shopping malls … no traffic lights, no cameras, no Playstation, no risk of dying when climbing the high-voltage poles … and billions of tons of CO2 saved! I would see it as an experiment, to detect spots where we ridiculously rely on electricity. Who knows? It could break the trend of using more and more energy every year.

And then I don’t only want the electric sliding doors to stay closed, but I also want the front doors to open. I mean, what can you do at home, not even TV is working! Game evenings are organizing themselves spontaneously, the happy owner of gas cookers invite others to cook at their place; the pile of yet-to-read-book diminishes; the yet-to-do tax return gets done, asking the neighbour for help if necessary (telephone lines are dead, too); and dogs and children are happy to get undivided attention.

The Germans, Part XI : The “Sachlichkeit”

Kennt ihr „How to be an alien?“ Wir hatten die Aufgabe, einen ähnlich satiristischen Text über den deutsch-französischen Kontext zu schreiben.

In this episode we will learn:

  • how Germans behave in a traffic jam,
  • how they celebrate not being at work (“Feierabend”, literally: celebration evening) and

  • even discover a secret wish of a German woman.

Germans are known for being “sachlich”. What does this mean? The idea is simple: they are able to stay neutral, behaving in a rational way, in spite of circumstances that may provoke or even threaten. Weiterlesen