How God Made His Love Grow

(Deutsche Version)

What would Jesus invest in? As you know, His Father is very, very rich. And as rich people go, they are very specific in what they want to invest. So together, Father, Son and Holy Spirit invented a wonderful, fail-proof investment opportunity. Here is what could have been their reasoning:

– Okay, so we have a lot of love to invest. We need to spend it, otherwise it can’t grow. Where can we invest it? What ideas do you have?
– Maybe into the sun?
– Hm, good idea, it will radiate everything it receives.
– Yes, but love shouldn’t be one-way, right? We need something else.

– Maybe … we invest into a tree?
– Oh yes, the tree can bring delicious fruit and relaxing shade …
– … and in return, its receivers can cuddle and water it!
– Amazing idea!
– Sounds good. Except… a tree doesn’t have a heart like us. How can it feel loved then?
– We need something more like us.

– Okay, maybe the human?
– He is so cute, isn’t he?! Sounds splendid.
– We can love him all day, and he can love us back! You’re a genius! Very good.
– Except… maybe he’ll get bored one day?
– No, we will make sure he won’t get bored, ever! He will share in our responsibilities: planting, naming, caring, …
– Yes, but… he would only love us because we love him.
– Why else should he love?
– Yes, I know, but something feels … not good.

All three were pondering.

– I think I get what you mean. We love to invest, so we should let him be an investor, not only a receiver.
– Exactly. So what do we do?
– What about … creating two different humans, similar yet different? Then they can decide to love each other.
– Brilliant! And to take your idea even further – what about letting them create new humans?!
– Maybe they enjoy it just as much as we do?!
– Wow! Yes! And then – not only can they invest their love in them, they can see their love grow in a very tangible way!
– We should make sure though to emphasise that family is a lifetime commitment. Otherwise they may create orphans, not sons.
– You are right. Oh, and then, these children will get children again – let’s call it generations!
– Yes! And these children will choose each other, just as we have chosen the human! So that a person can be a very special person of another person!

And so the design of family gradually took form. For hours, they continued to discuss it in every detail. Their excitement grew and grew, until Jesus cried out:

– Wait! … What if … We are giving them the power to choose whom they love, correct?
– Correct.
– What happens if they choose not to love us?
– Then they won’t be able to receive our love anymore.
– And they would start to hurt each other.
– With devastating consequences …

– But why should anyone do this? I mean, our love is the best they can get, right?
– That’s right, but suppose somebody tricked then into mistrusting us. What can we do?
– Then … we have to show them what real love looks like.
– Again and again.
– Even when they waste our goodness, taking advantage of us.
– Even then.
– Over many generations.
– Potentially, yes.
– Even unto death.

Suddenly, the entire heaven was silent. Pensively, Jesus added:
– You mean … to prove that Life is stronger than Death.

The Father nodded.
And slowly, Jesus said:
– Ok, I am ready. Let’s do it.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
(Genesis 1:31)

Photo by Orlando Allo on Unsplash

Ask me!

Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don't know and can't find out. (Jer 33:3)

Du weißt nicht, was und wie und warum?
Frag einfach mich!
Ich bin da.

Du kannst es nicht herausfinden?
Du hast schon alles versucht?
Frag einfach mich!
Ich bin für dich da.

Ich höre dir zu.
Du kannst einfach du sein.
Du kannst alle Sorgen, Ängste, Hoffnungen vor mich legen
und dann wird es ruhig innen drin.

Ich werde dich auf eine Reise mitnehmen.
Ich erkläre dir nicht alles auf einmal,
das würde dich überfordern.
Vertrau mir.
Aber ich erzähle dir Neues,
Dinge die dein Horizont erweitern.

Du brauchst eine frische Perspektive?
Frische Hoffnung?
Brot, das wirklich satt macht?
Komm zu mir.

Frage mich,
und ich werde dir Dinge mitteilen,
die du nicht weißt
und auch nicht alleine herausfinden kannst.
(Jeremia 33,3)






Before you RACE ahead,
remember what propels you forward.

Gnade – was für ein riesiges Wort.

Rennen – ich liebe es, vorwärts zu kommen.
Aber – ohne Wurzeln kommt man nicht weit. Paradox!

Gnade ist wie ein Bogen, der den Pfeil zielgerichtet schießt. Ansonsten renne ich zwar viel – aber es bringt nichts.

Oder, wie Jesus es sagen würde: Frucht bringen kann man nur, wenn man mit dem Weinstock verbunden bleibt.

Und was ist Gnade?
Dass uns jemand verspricht, dass er nur Güte für uns hat.

The Lord is my banner (How to write your own psalm)

It’s easy to write your own psalm after the template of Psalm 23. We did it in a corporate worship time and it’s fun! I love using my creativity to worship Him! (Deutsche Version)

The Lord is my banner,
I look up to him.

He leads us into battle,
he knows the entire strategy.

When enemies come, he is not surprised;
his royalty is shielding us from harm.

And even when it hurts,
his love works within me;
he knows me inside out.

My life and my death is in his hands.
I entrust my hopes and desires to the One
who already sees their completion.
His promises are my daily bread.

Let God arise, and his enemies be scattered!

Here is how you can write your own Psalm. These questions reflect the structure of Psalm 23:

  1. Think of a characteristic or picture of God (in my example: banner)
    The Lord is my shepherd
  2. What are its consequences for me?
    I lack nothing.
  3. What does he do with me?
    He makes me lie down in green pastures...
  4. What does this mean in difficult times?
    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death …
  5. What does it mean for my future?
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me …
  6. A concluding statement from my side
    I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

How the God of the Generations defines success

How do you define success? For you personally, what makes a day to be a „good day“? How do you know your life decisions brought you forward? If you are like me, your answers will center around YOUR life: what you achieved, how you felt, etc.

God’s perspective

Western societies tend to over-emphasize the individual. God has a different perspective: He is a God of the Generations. When he thinks of you, he also sees all the connections: Where you are coming from and where you are going to. Your ancestry and your children’s children. Your society, your culture, and how your life is shaping the life of tomorrow.

In order to be successful by his standards, we need to live beyond our own lives. When the settlers came to America, they knew: it will be hard for us, and maybe we will survive. It will even be hard for our children. But if we succeed, and our children succeed, our children’s children will have a better life. This kind of long-term perspective is rare in today’s thinking.

For a family, having kids is not about the well-being of the parents. Not even about the well-being of the kids. The question is, how can we raise our kids in a way that they can display godly values even when their society opposes God? How can they be Daniels & Esthers?

Jeremiah wrestles with God’s plan

In Jeremiah 32, we see a similar theme going on. Jeremiah knows from God that Jerusalem will be destroyed. But then his cousin asked him to buy out his land, and Jeremiah recognized this to be a command from God (v. 8). After the transaction, he complained: God, why?? (v. 25) He tried to make sense of that. He looked at the history of Israel and didn’t find a solution.

But God saw life beyond Jeremiah’s „today“. He re-affirmed that Jerusalem will be destroyed, but then gave hope: he will gather them and let them live in the land again (so buying land does make sense). And here is his end goal of all this:

„I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that all will then go well for them and for their children after them.“ (Jeremiah 32:39)

God’s goal

He is after our hearts. And when we follow His heart, this will actually benefit to our spouse, our children, and our society. A healthy family is a testimony of God’s covenant.

And „healthy“ doesn’t mean you need to be perfect. Healthy means: staying connected with the vine (John 15). Without this connection, all fruit is temporary. But when your love grows to God, it will grow to people, too. The most spiritual thing you can do is not spending hours praying in tongues, believing for healing, or donating 90% of your income, but: to love (1Corinthians 13:1-3). This is the call that God gave you. And as marriage & family is a vocation, too: he has called you to be a God-fearing husband/wife, father/mother, son/daughter, etc.

So how about this criteria of success: Did I love well today? Did my actions reflect God’s love? Did we as a family experience his grace today? Did I model God’s values to my children?

(Photo by Anna Dziubinska on Unsplash)

Parental wounds

Probably, there is no relationship in life that is impacting you more in your life than the relationship between your parents.

  • If you have good parents, you say to yourself: „I want to be like them.“ They are a good role model to you. And this will help you a lot, especially when parenting your own children.
  • If you have bad parents, you say to yourself: „I will never become like them.“ The problem is: this „never“ rarely works. By default, you will parent your children the same way your parents did – or do exactly the contrary of how they did it.
  • And probably, everyone of us have parents who range somewhere in-between. So we have both things we cherish and things we will „never“ do like them.

This „never“ is essentially an inner vow, a self-directed promise that we make out of our frustration/pain (often because of an traumatic experience). Consciously or subconsciously, we promise ourselves: „This will never happen again!“

Dealing with this kind of things is painful. We like to move on, we want an easy-going life, so we tend to push the pain down. We prefer to walk the familiar way – protecting ourselves. This is a trust issue – because God wants to be the one protecting you.

So, what can we do?

As we become aware of such inner vows, we can bring them to the cross – Jesus already died for them. We can exchange our wrong beliefs and promises with his truth, listening closely to what he says about them, making ourselves dependant on Him again.

And then, we need to practise to live in this freedom, by reminding ourselves of the truth again and again, deciding to trust Him again and again. These decisions will literally change/re-train the chemistry in our mind and body, the way how we instinctively react to certain situations. That’s why it often takes more than a day to change a habit. That’s why it took Israel many years to arrive in the Promised Land – because God took the time to disciple them as a nation.

These processes are a lot of hard, emotional work. But o the freedom you experience afterwards!

„Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit,
let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts,
but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.“
(Galatians 5:25 The Message)


(Deutsche Version)

Which option should I choose? Now that I am married, the answer to this question often involves my love to my wife. How can I meet my partner’s needs while respecting my own needs?

Often, this is only possible with creative solutions … and in order to develop these, we need a deeper understanding of each other’s heart. For example: „So you dream to travel to Hawai …“

  • „How could this look like?“
  • „Why is it important to you?“
  • „What would this give you (emotionally)?“

And as David and Nancy Harper emphasized: Dreaming about these options can stretch us also in our relationship with God. Because He always has options available for us… What do we need to navigate these? Trust. And patience. Exactly the disciplines that he wants to grow in us.

Maybe that’s why he sometimes doesn’t answer my questions immediately!

Young Love

(Deutsche Version)

I have been married for 9 months now … so, I can totally identify with the situation that Joseph was in (Matthew 1:19). My heart is aching to love my bride well. However, it is not possible to love her well out of my own strength. My good intentions are not enough.

It’s only when my love to Jesus is greater than my love to her, that she feels truly loved. It’s only when I receive her as a gift from God to me that I can be a gift from God to her.

I want to learn deeper what it means to lead her well. Leading is serving. Serving is only possible by looking at Jesus and doing what he tells me. Father – please teach me how to love.

(Stills from „The Messager“, Special Christmas Episode from Season 2 of The Chosen, 04:47-06:50)

Ich will einfach nur sein Schaf 🐑 sein

(With English translation. I just wanna be a sheep!)

Text: Jesaja 42, 10-11

  • Was heißt es, ein Schaf zu sein?
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem guten Hirten und dem angestellten Hirten?
  • Warum gibt Gott Berufungen, die viel zu groß für einen selbst ist?
  • Warum werden Leiter in der Bibel oft Hirten genannt?
  • Und: Was sind die wichtigen Aufgaben eines guten Leiters als Hirte?
  • Kann man Schaf und Hirte gleichzeitig sein?
Benjamin Pick: Ich will einfach nur Sein Schaf sein (I just wanna be His sheep) 🐑 28.03.2021