Young Love

(Deutsche Version)

I have been married for 9 months now … so, I can totally identify with the situation that Joseph was in (Matthew 1:19). My heart is aching to love my bride well. However, it is not possible to love her well out of my own strength. My good intentions are not enough.

It’s only when my love to Jesus is greater than my love to her, that she feels truly loved. It’s only when I receive her as a gift from God to me that I can be a gift from God to her.

I want to learn deeper what it means to lead her well. Leading is serving. Serving is only possible by looking at Jesus and doing what he tells me. Father – please teach me how to love.

(Stills from „The Messager“, Special Christmas Episode from Season 2 of The Chosen, 04:47-06:50)

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